Does Drinking Water Help You Weight Loss
In food and the world of diets there are many beliefs to weight loss quickly, among them is the conviction that drinking water helps you weight loss. However, science says otherwise.
Drinking water by itself is a fact that does not help, because what really allows you to lose weight is to be in a caloric deficit and burn more calories than are ingested in meals. Therefore, taking care of your diet is the main step, in addition, to accompany good nutrition with exercise.
For this reason, drinking water would not do any good, however, if you are following a diet accompanied by sports, the intake of fluids can help you achieve the goal of losing weight faster.
On the other hand, according to an article from Johns Hopkins University, drinking more water can help you lose weight for several reasons, among which is that its intake before meals helps reduce hunger. It is worth mentioning that the study was carried out in 14 men between the ages of 27 years, an average height of 1.83, an average body weight of 80.47 (9.89) kg, body fat of around 17.5 (4, 0)% and a body mass index of 24.0 (2.5) kg.
Why can drinking water help you lose weight?
Drinking water before eating helps to quench your appetite and reduce food intake. According to the study, people who drank water before meals consumed 22% less than people who did not.
On the other hand, drinking water helps reduce the intake of liquid calories. When sugary drinks are substituted, which generally contain a high caloric level, the body will receive less content of unnecessary calories, which significantly helps in weight reduction. In addition, reducing sugar provides other health benefits.
One of the benefits of drinking water is that the body naturally needs fluid to burn fat. According to the study, mild dehydration reduces a process called lipolysis, through which the body mobilizes fat reserves to meet energy needs. This process is what generates the reduction and burning of fat naturally.
On the other hand, being hydrated improves mood and reduces stress, so the body can improve internal processes that in turn are reflected in the energy vitality of the body. In any case, it is always recommended to do sports, not only to lose weight, but to keep the body active, so it is suggested to stay hydrated and thus combat fatigue and drowsiness.
It is worth mentioning that both fatigue and tiredness are factors that generate the cortisol hormone, which is the stress hormone, which prevents weight loss.
This effect occurs because stress increases the amount of cortisol in the blood, which increases anxiety and therefore the need to eat meals, which are generally unhealthy, thus breaking with the low-calorie diet .
Also, because cortisol is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are consumed, the higher the level of this hormone, the more difficult the body will handle the use of everything that is ingested.
On the other hand, another factor that greatly affects people who want to lose weight is not getting enough sleep.
Given that lack of sleep and therefore excess fatigue can lead to people feeling less motivated to exercise and also wanting to eat more, this condition could lead to individuals gaining much more weight.
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